Wednesday, October 30, 2013


It's sembreak week! For others, it may mean going out of town or even of the country, but as for me, I'm stuck at home with nothing to do but eat-laptop-ipad-tv-eat-sleep. I feel like I've already watched every single Youtube video (troye sivan why'd u have to be gay??) , and watched all the episodes of my favorite shows (sorry but ravenswood's too creepy for moi). Anyways, on to the outfit!

 This is what I wore to the mall when we had to go stroller shopping for my baby cousin, Julianna.
 surprise surprise! it's audrey!

Top: Dear Kate, Polo: Stradivarius, Shorts: Cotton On, Shoes: Converse, Piano Ring: Girl Shoppe

how's your sembreak so far? :)

xo, moira <3

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